​Is it time to take your playing to the next level?
Rock out with other musicians playing your favorite songs?
If you answered "Yes" then it is time to experience the thrill and excitement of playing in one of our summer band workshops. Whether you are a beginner or more advanced, we have a workshop for you!
Our Rock Band workshops are designed for students ages 11-17 who get that awesome band experience, develop and hone their skills, play songs by their favorite bands or singers and meet other musicians. The intention is to give them a sense of ownership of the band by letting them suggest songs they want to play. They get to create a name for their band and, after working on their set of songs, put on a concert at the end of the week. The concerts are free and open to anyone and everyone to attend.
Workshop #1: July 29 - Aug 2 (Beginners)
Workshop #2: Aug 5 - 9 (Intermediate-Experienced)
All the programs run from 9.30am - 3pm Mon - Fri
The concerts will be at 7pm on the Friday of each week
These workshops will take place at Boughton Place, Kisor Road, Highland.
Below are the minimum requirements for our beginner workshops:
Guitarists must be able to play open chords (major and minor) and know how to read chord symbols (C major, D minor, E7, etc.)
Bassists must know where the notes are and be able to play a consistent rhythm
Drummers must be able to play a steady beat for at least 4 minutes
Keyboardists must know the notes and (ideally) know how to read chord symbols (C major, D minor, E7, etc.)
Below are the minimum requirements for our intermediate/advanced workshops:
Guitarists must be able to play power chords, a variety of rhythms and take on improvised solos
Bassists must be able to play fast chugging rhythms, use a pick, make their own bass lines
Drummers must be able to play a variety of beats, fills and (maybe) solo
Singers must have the confidence to talk to the audience in between songs
Keyboards, drums and amps will be provided. All other musicians must bring their own instruments.
Guitarists and bassists are welcome to bring their own amps.
One workshop = $375
Two workshops = $700 (save $50)
We encourage all young musicians to take our workshops for a variety of reasons.
We are all about equality and fairness
Our support helps students build confidence and communication skills
Students connect with others through music, often making friends along the way
The experience they will gain will stay with them forever
We give the musicians a place where they can turn up the volume and let loose!
Our rock band workshops are open to anyone who can play the basics on the guitar, bass, drums, keyboards or who want to sing. In our workshops, students will learn what it takes to play together as a team based on mutual respect and acceptance. They will learn how to play the songs they choose, develop skills and tricks on their instrument and learn how to work as a team. We believe it is important to give the students a sense of ownership and control in each band by letting them choose the songs to play and create a name for the band. The workshop ends with a performance on stage, complete with a professional lighting and sound system.
The experience of performing live on stage in front of an audience is like no other. The adrenaline rush is thrilling and the reward is life changing. The sound of an audience clapping and cheering with enthusiasm after performing their hearts out is the best reward one can have. The feeling of achievement and success will stay with every one of the band members forever!
Our team of experienced instructors will guide the students as they journey through the trials and tribulations of working together, creating a cohesive and polished band ready to perform on stage. The performance will be videoed and a photographer will capture this memorable moment with a mix of 'live' group and solo shots while the band play. Highlights of the concert will be posted on our website, YouTube and other social media apps.
Please note that we accept no responsibility for 'unleashing the rock star' in your child!!